In bed with the storytellers: Lara Vodlan



…to listen to bedtime stories, of course.

Just like bedtime stories that we used to listen to as children, every event creates and shares its own story. A well-told story is an event where the narrator and the listener meet, where the participant and the speaker form a personal bond. Before you come to the hottest conference of the summer, we wanted you to meet our storytellers, to make the storytelling experience even stronger and more engaging.


Q: How are we going to organize events in the future?

Technology will determine the future of organization of events. It will be part of every step on the way – from registration to content planning and it will also augment the events themselves.

Q: Is there something you would like to change in the world of events?

Organizing events for the sake of events. Events are not the answer to every marketing or business need. It’s nice to get together and enjoy nice food and drinks, but nice is not marketing KPI.

Q: What do you love about your job the most?

Opportunity to learn and grow. Marketing is changing – or even better – evolving with such big speed that it’s crucial to be able to have all the resources and tools to take the right decisions.

Q: In your opinion, what is live marketing’s best advantage?

The attention of your audience. They took time from there calendars to attend your event. They are there in the room with you and you do not have to compete with other open tabs in their browser as you have to online. But if you let them down that is probably the last time you see them.  


Q: What are you bringing to Conventa Crossover?

Curiousness! I’m looking forward to hear all the good stories!

Q: What do you expect from Crossover in Ljubljana?


Q: Why should an attendee not miss your session?

Because it’s gonna be fun and dynamic

Q: Hashtag suggestion for the 2019 edition?


About Lara

Marketing and Communication Manager at Microsoft Slovenia

Lara Vodlan is Marketing and Communication Manager at Microsoft Slovenia and head of NT Conference. She tries to combine the best of events and digital marketing to build a solid business platform. With a rich history in culture events and many years in IT marketing, she is very experienced in combining the incompatible.

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