
Our guiding principle when organising Conventa Crossover is to satisfy the needs of attendees while reducing our carbon footprint and other detrimental environmental effects.

In addition, we strive to leave the destination and event venue in a better state than before organising the event by developing new, innovative, sustainable solutions for Ljubljana’s meetings industry.


The activities and decisions of event attendees leave behind traces that result in the amount of carbon dioxide released into the air at events. You can start reducing your carbon footprint by taking small steps. 

Read the ten tips below and help reduce your carbon footprint at Conventa Crossover.

  1. Travel in an environment-friendly manner

Consider whether you can travel to an event in an eco-friendly way. If possible, opt for public transport, preferably by train, or, in cooperation with the organisers, try to find individuals who would share a ride with you. If you travel from Vienna to Ljubljana and back by car, your carbon footprint will be 166 kg CO2, whilst opting for a plane flight will result in a carbon footprint of 270 kg CO2.

  1. Use electronic communication

Arrange all your communication and documentation related to your event participation electronically. Do not print travel documents. Instead, download specific applications.

  1. Less is more

Travel light. Consider whether you need certain elements and avoid extra weight. Moreover, avoid single-use products and excess plastic. 

  1. Drink water from a reusable bottle

In Slovenia, we have healthy drinkable tap water. We recommend using reusable water bottles and enjoying nature and environment-friendly water. 

  1. Cover short distances on foot

Ljubljana is a city that is made for walking. We advise going on foot, by bicycle or using public transport. 

  1. Reduce the amount of excess plastic

Wherever and whenever you purchase products during the event, double-check if a product or its packaging can be recycled and choose recycled items. Furthermore, choose reusable shopping bags to avoid using single-use plastic, opt for products with less plastic and consider what you really need. 

  1. Purchase local products

A quality lifestyle also includes spreading awareness about the origin of products and food you purchase and indulge in. At the event, buy locally in local stores that offer Slovenian produce. 

  1. Try some basic energy-saving measures

Wherever you stay during your visit try optimising the air-conditioning, shut down devices not in use, turn off the lights when not in the room and be mindful of your hot water use. If you increase the temperature in your building by 1°C in the summer or reduce it by 1°C in the winter, you will save 10% of your energy consumption.

  1. Advocate fair play

At the event, all communication is transparent, clear and appreciative. Respect diversity and help people with special needs. 

  1. Be environmentally aware

Be a part of our aspirations and remind our partners to adhere to the measures encouraged by the organisers. These include suitable waste management, reduced plastic use and energy efficiency. 

Above all, share your positive experiences with your friends and help us spread the word about our green story. We can take steps towards more sustainable and responsible events together. 



The activities and decisions of event organisers leave behind traces that result in the amount of carbon dioxide released into the air at events. You can start reducing your carbon footprint by taking small steps. 

Read the ten tips below and reduce your carbon footprint within the team. 

  1. Sustainable mobility

If possible, opt for public transport instead of cars or taxis. Moreover, decide to cycle or walk to work when possible. Consider the necessity of going on business trips and replace them with video conferences from our studio. When possible, go to meetings in Ljubljana by public transport or bicycle, or cover short distances on foot. 

  1. Choice of partners and sponsors

Choose environmentally friendly partners and sponsors and no sponsors that are ethically and ecologically questionable.

  1. Reduce the amount of office paper and optimise printing

Stop printing documents for meetings, reports or hard copies of electronic messages. Set double-sided printing as your default setting, reduce the font size and decrease the margins, however, still maintain a comfortable size. If you must print, opt for recycled FSC/PEFC certified paper. 

  1. Save energy

Replace standard light bulbs with energy-efficient ones and turn off lights whenever they are not needed. Shut off computers and other devices that are not in use. Additionally, manage energy-efficient cooling and heating systems. If you increase the temperature in your building by 1°C in the summer or reduce it by 1°C in the winter, you will save 10% of your energy consumption.

  1. Reduce the amount of waste

Avoid single-use products such as paper cups, plastic containers and towels. Strictly recycle all waste into purposefully placed rubbish bins.  

  1. Avoid plastic

Avoid all types of plastic, particularly plastic food containers. Make sure to strictly sort and recycle plastic and waste. On average, we use about 150 to 300 plastic bags every year. Always use reusable shopping bags instead. 

  1. Choose quality over quantity

Less purchasing equals less waste. If you cannot avoid shopping, choose products that can be mended and last longer. Purchase used or recycled products when possible. 

  1. Food

Choose locally produced food and consider reducing the amount of meat and other products of animal origin you consume. That way, you will make a valuable contribution to saving energy and fuel, thus reducing your carbon footprint. Focus on offering environmentally friendly meals at events, prioritising plant-based meals.

  1. Drink healthy water

Ljubljana is renowned for its drinkable water. Pour yourself a glass of tap water instead of bottled water. Thus, you will contribute to reducing plastic waste and, more importantly, consume a much cheaper solution considering that tap water in Slovenia is, on average, 225 times cheaper than bottled water. 

  1. Give away useful items and save those you may reuse in the future

After your events, make sure to give away useful items others might need. Save those event elements that can be reused for future events among others stage equipment, exhibition equipment, props and packaging.  

Remote work

Working from home contributes to a greener environment by reducing emissions caused by daily commutes. Arrange a smart timetable with the management board. 

Above all, share your positive experiences with your friends and business partners and help us spread the word about our green story. We can take steps towards more sustainable and responsible events together.



The activities and decisions of our partners leave behind traces that result in the amount of carbon dioxide released into the air at events. You can start reducing your carbon footprint by taking small steps. 

Read the ten tips below and help reduce your carbon footprint as our partner. 

  1. Sustainable commitment

As partners, you should commit yourself to our sustainable policy. With active cooperation, you will make a substantial contribution to reducing the event’s carbon footprint. 

  1. Empowering coworkers

Spread awareness about sustainable commitment among all coworkers involved in the project. As part of event preparation, make them aware of how to reduce harmful effects on the environment. You should educate them on the topic several times a year. 

  1. Access to healthy drinkable water

Enable access to drinkable water for all attendees. The participants can pour the water into reusable water bottles.

  1. Energy efficiency

When possible, opt for energy-efficient electric and ITKT equipment and lighting. Moreover, show your environment-friendly aspirations by acquiring official certificates (Energy Star and the like). 

  1. Reduce waste 

We encourage you to strictly reduce, reuse and sort waste (paper, glass and plastic). Place waste into suitable containers and avoid the use of any single-use items such as paper towels, and cups

  1. Avoid plastic

Albeit plastic is light, cheap, omnipresent and inevitably necessary, it is among the world’s greatest pollutants. Strive to use plastic minimally, avoid single-use plastic and always strive to recycle it. 

  1. Cleaning

For cleaning, opt for certified ecological cleaning agents (Ecolagel, etc.). Furthermore, introduce control over the consumption of cleaning agents. 

  1. Food waste

Food waste is responsible for 7% of all greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. Hence, start thinking about ways to reduce food waste, like optimising the number of meals with careful coordination of the expected number of participants.

  1. Remote work

Encourage coworkers to work from home, as it contributes to a greener environment by reducing emissions caused by daily commutes.

  1. Ordering green goods and services

If possible, choose goods and services that have a smaller effect on the environment and enable saving natural resources, materials and energy, and have the same or even better functionality. Prove your green thinking with appropriate environmental certificates. 

Our & your Carbon Footprint

In cooperation with our green team, measure your company’s amount of greenhouse gas emissions. Try to reduce it every year and thus make a valuable contribution to our aspiration to reduce the event’s emissions by 70 per cent by 2040. 

Above all, share your positive experiences with your business partners and help us spread the word about our green story. We can take steps towards more sustainable and responsible events together. 

Keep us informed about your green practices and achievements.