Experience Opening Stora Enso

Event Description and Key Objectives

Stora Enso is the world’s leading provider of renewable solutions in packaging, bio-based materials, wood construction and paper. In the Czech Republic, the company has opened a line to produce CLT panels. Event objectives: 1. To present Stora Enso as an innovative company whose mission is to create sustainable products that will have a positive impact on the region and the employer brand. 2. To inspire and motivate city officials, businessmen and representatives of the largest companies in the region for future cooperation, leading to changes in legislation that allow the construction of residential buildings from CLT panels, like Scandinavian countries. 3. Achieve extensive media coverage. 4. Clearly demonstrate the society’s sustainable approach.

Key challenges

Challenge: Logistics and planning of Stora Enso’s opening event while showcasing its sustainable benefits to the market. Solution: This live event was fully sustainable, highlighting Stora Enso’s mission. Every aspect of the event was carefully controlled to align with the mission of sustainability and minimize the carbon footprint. The opening experience spanned two days: Day 1: Focused on VIP guests, media, city officials, representatives from the region, Ministry of Trade and Industry, businesspeople, representatives from the largest companies in the region, and B2B partners. Day 2: Dedicated to Stora Enso employees from across the country. During the “Let’s Build” Experience Opening, visitors had the opportunity to experience the benefits of Stora Enso’s products and understand the company’s mission and focus on a green future and sustainability. This new approach, along with the product benefits and event execution, garnered extensive media and social media coverage, reaching beyond the construction industry.

Basic information about the event

Name of the organiser



Prague, Czech Republic

Event duration



Stora Enso WP HV s.r.o.

Event results


Creativity was employed in every detail of the sustainability approach: Invitation: Guests received electronic invitations with all the necessary information, including location, map, and dress code. They used an online form to sign up for time slots for tours of the production hall. Event Venue: The Stora Enso Hall was transformed into an experiential venue with multiple zones, including a catering zone, three chill-out zones, a stage, and hall tours. Chill-out zone: Decorated with natural materials, wooden furniture, and rustic decorations. Catering: Prepared using local ingredients to minimize waste, using local and organic ingredients. Glassware was provided to guests, and recyclable utensils were used by the staff. Leftover food was utilized and prepared for Stora Enso staff. Decoration: Consisted of live trees in pots made from CLT line paper, and the stage cover that was made of CLT boards. Bistro tables, navigation signs, and the changing room for vests and protective helmets during tours were made from waste material from CLT boards. Guest Gift: Each guest received a small coniferous tree as a gift, which they could plant in their garden or woodland to contribute to a better environment for future generations. Employees from other Stora Enso production halls in the Czech Republic were transported to the event by buses. Remaining guests were offered transportation from Prague Airport, Prague Centre, and Brno Centre. Cars were used only in exceptional situations, as most guests chose alternative transportation options. Orientation boards, stage covers, and materials used for the event were retained for future events.


The event allowed guests to experience firsthand the benefits of Stora Enso’s offerings and understand the company’s positive impact on the market. Many companies were inspired by Stora Enso’s mission and products, fostering potential collaborations. The event highlighted sustainability as an integral aspect of all Stora Enso’s activities. Stora Enso management expressed gratitude to our agency for organizing a sustainable event.


The event was executed with meticulous project management, excellent staff coordination, client and partner relations, and efficient logistics. Despite limited budget constraints, a fully sustainable event aligned with Stora Enso’s mission was achieved. Activities, suppliers, and outputs were carefully selected to minimize the carbon footprint. Stora Enso employees played a crucial role, acting as guides during more than 65 separate tours. The event received positive feedback from the client, meeting their expectations.

Measurable results

The final carbon footprint was significantly lower compared to similar-sized events. Specific CO2 consumption figures were as follows: Transport: 1,800 kg CO2 Catering: 5,000 kg CO2 Production: 3,200 kg CO2 Total: 1,771 kg CO2 Per person: 19.5 kg CO2


The event was part of a broader communication and marketing strategy for Stora Enso. The innovative approach and intense experience of the event captured the attention of the media and influencers, resulting in significant media reach. Daily newspapers reached 68,640, weekly newspapers received 18,120, and monthly magazines had 3,000 hits. Online portals reached 673,572, radio reached 57,600, social networks reached 116,027, and the press conference stream reached 292,506. The total reach was an exceptional 980,000.

Sustainable practices

The sustainability approach has been meticulously incorporated into every aspect of the event. Invitation – Guests received electronic invitations containing all the necessary information for participants (location, map, dress code). They also utilized an online form to sign up for specific time slots for tours of the production hall. Event: The Stora Enso Hall was transformed into an immersive venue, featuring various zones such as a catering area, three chill-out zones, a stage, and guided tours of the hall. Chill-out zone: The chill-out area was adorned with natural materials, wooden furniture, and rustic decorations. Catering: The catering was thoughtfully prepared using exclusively local ingredients, aiming to minimize waste and utilizing local, organic components. Glassware was provided for guests, while the staff used utensils made from recyclable materials. Any surplus food was repurposed and prepared for the subsequent Stora Enso staff shift. Decoration: The decorations included live trees in pots sourced from the CLT production line, as well as paper-based elements. The stage cover was crafted from CLT boards. Bistro tables, signage, and the changing room for vests and protective helmets during the tours were all constructed using recycled CLT board material. As a gift, guests were offered small coniferous trees, which they could take home and plant in their gardens or woodlands, contributing to a better environment for future generations.