Basic Event Information
Date: May 2022
Location: Serbia
Organiser: M2Communications
Client: Porsche SCG
Event description and key objectives
The launching of the new car CUPRA Formentor, was primarily supposed to take place live during 2021. Due to the numerous challenges brought by the previous year, we had to come up with a different way to present the new model on the Serbian market. We proposed to the client something that has not been seen before in our region, believing that a brand like this one deserves a completely new way of promotion.

Key challenges
Numerous challenges caused by the pandemic of the COVID 19 and the lack of chips in automotive production have led to a complete change in the work in a many fields but also the marketing industry. As CUPRA has just arrived on the market, it was a big challenge to present the brand to the public, thus creating a new order in the automotive industry in our country.
Since the event industry stopped during the previous two years, we wanted to transfer the Formentor launch to the digital world. We wanted to directly involve the target group by providing them a unique digital experience. We created a video that is a convergence of gaming and video production. The key channel of the campaign was the micro site, whose basic content is an interactive video of a competitive nature, but also important information about the brand and the car itself. Visit We thought about who would be the main characters of the interactive video and we came up with the idea that the protagonists should be parkour heroes. We wanted for target group to be represented by ordinary people, but have something in common that is unusual but unique, parkour. Three heroes personalize CUPRA DNA – speed, agility and strength. By choosing one of them, you embark on an interactive adventure where the outcome of the video depends only on you.
The innovation is reflected in a completely new approach to presenting the car brand and new model on the Serbian market in the digital sphere, through an interactive video. For the first time in the region, a car model was presented in the form of an interactive event based on a completely new digital user experience, which enabled greater user involvement and a more dynamic and stronger connection with a brand or product. This unique possibility of user interaction and influence on the content they are watching and their creative engagement in real time was realized thanks to a successful combination of gaming and video production.
As the idea was that each park rider encounters 4 forks in his game, we filmed 3 different outcomes of the game for all obstacles, so that the competitor could choose his path at his discretion and influence the outcome of the video itself. We allocated over 60 hours of video recording. Over 50 associates participated in the creation of the concept and the actual execution of the project. The micro website was created just for this purpose and records over 100k visits even though the game ended.

Measurable results
The success of the campaign is reflected in the results of raising awareness and drawing attention to the new model in our market, especially on Belgrade CAR Show, in May. The CUPRA stand was one of the most visited at the fair. During the three weeks of the competition part of the campaign, over 40,000 unique visits to the micro-site were recorded, 7 million impression, 90% of the target group was reached and there were 20 awarded competitors. The campaign was supported by well-known influencers from the automotive industry who counted hundreds of thousands of likes and shares on social networks.
A creative and unusual way of promoting a car brand and communicating with a dynamic target group of consumers aged between 25 and 40 was devised. Regardless of whether the user watched the content on a computer, tablet or mobile phone, interactive video allowed him to influence and interact with the video content through various tools. Also, the entire range of digital communication channels, such as social networks, blogs and podcasts, were used in the digital campaign.

The use of sustainable practices
Cupra promotion is supported at this year’s car fair, which is dedicated to eco-technology and environmental protection.