Dream-team jury of Conventa Best Event Award: Stefan Kozak


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Organizers of mind-blowing events from New European region are invited to enter the competition that will again acknowledge the best in the event business. All submitted entries will be evaluated by a jury consisting of international experts from the field of event organisation. We sat down to talk to the dream-team jury member of Conventa Best Event Award, Stefan Kozak.

Q: What do you look for when you’re judging the best events?

Working with events as POC (points of content), „Umbrella thinking“, Authenticity, Simplicity, Creativity, Experiences with a direct and clear impact on targets/objectives/goals

Q: How will your background influence the way you look at entries?

I am sure about one thing, in the past 16 years, I have done around 3 427 267 mistakes, while developing our event & live comm agencies and projects on four different markets. These failures help me at most to grow up professionally and so I believe this self-experienced „eventpedia“ could influence also the others 🙂

Q: Why are competitions like the Conventa Best Event Awards important?

To learn and stay humble, every time and always. The only way, how to be able to recognize, experience the overall event industry shifts are the competitions, where you can feel and understand different approaches and live comm outlooks from the view of different markets and of course also from your possible competitors and market influencers.

Q: What advice would you give to agencies and brands thinking about what events to put forward for Conventa Best Event Awards?

Choose the best ones. Those you strongly believe in. Explain and show why you believe that this is the best one. Build it up on your project´s extra miles – it can be a strong creative idea, lasting impact, visuality, dramaturgy and so on, pls do not just explain what and how have you done the project. Last but not least, without the right storytelling, there is no story-selling.

Q: Your hashtag suggestion for 2019 Conventa Crossover?


[vc_cta h2=”About Stefan Kozak” h4=”Founder, Co-owner, Managing director and CEO of CREATIVE PRO”]Still a Doer. Still a Believer. Still a Creator.

At the beginning of his career, Stefan worked for an organisation which he founded and for civil society organisations operating in the field of theatre and art, he frequently contributed to various theatre and film projects as well as international festivals.

In 2003 Stefan founded a company focused on live & event marketing CREATIVE PRO and consequently he built a diversified group of companies, called CREATIVE PRO group, with businesses present mainly on Slovak and Czech market, Hungary and Poland. In 2017 he has also included digital perspective into an event and live marketing and has co-founded digital & content agency CUKIER (a happy member of CREATIVE PRO group) in Warsaw, Poland. CREATIVE PRO event and live marketing agency have won various national and international awards in the field of live marketing (Zlatý Klinec 2013, 2014, 2016, CEA 2017, Best Event Awards World festival 2013, 2015, 2017, Eventex Awards 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018)

Along with managing the group and its organisations he is in charge of business development, strategic acquisition as well as specific „270 degrees live & digital marketing“ projects in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland.[/vc_cta]

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