Announcing Vartan Surmejan, Event Cook

[vc_cta h2=”About Vartan”]Vartan immersed in the magical world of events during his work at the National Theatre of Macedonia. In 2008 he moves in London to master Events Marketing and Management. Vartan’s background displays organization of business events, film festivals, conferences, master classes, exhibitions as brand engaging platforms but also acting as protocol officer during the 20th, jubilee edition of the Sarajevo Film Festival, hosting audience of 3000 attendees daily at the biggest festival’s Open Air location.

When designs events’ content, Vartan strives to craft meaningful participant’s experience, is interested in blueprint mapping but also in using new technologies and wooden made gadgets when organizing team buildings. Since 2017 he actively blogging at his portfolio website , sharing with events management enthusiasts his knowledge and experience.

He currently works for Swiss Import Promotion Programme helping business support organizations gaining benefits from their export promotion activities while participating at the trade fairs, study tours and matchmaking events. [/vc_cta]

Q: What do you love about your job the most?

Staging excitements. The opportunity to search for content that will highlight those special moments people are dreaming of when decide applying events as part of their marketing strategy.

Q: In your opinion, what is live marketing’s best advantage?

Making the experiences tangible – the idea to place a product or service on the market by providing event’s content applicable to all 5 senses – sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell.

Q: Live marketing is a stage. The screenplay for impressing the audience is…?

content that will take you out of the everyday life routine, immerse you in the journey and bring you back in balance satisfied with what you experienced.

Q: How have the best live marketing events you have attended so far made you feel

Inspired and motivated to respond to my creativity’s call for action.

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Looking at your bucket list, what is the one thing that you really wish to cross off by the end of 2018?

I really like to finish my course in creative writing as I believe will be even more skilled when storytelling next events.

If you could have dinner with anyone (alive or dead), who would you have dinner with and why?

Carl Jung, because he introduced us with the concept of interpreting dreams through archetypes, as such becoming able to see our ways, explain our feelings and becoming aware for our deepest ambitions and fears… and, we are all dreaming.

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Q: Why do you think it is important to have a regional collaboration in event and live marketing?

Because regional approach brings to events’ organization diverse know-how, variety of destinations, landscapes and authentic experiences. What is important is that access to the regional network of professionals leverage common sense for providing equal service quality across all region

Q: What are you expecting from the panel discussion?

I’m expecting shared enthusiasm for staging interesting, enjoyable events that can act as business storytellers and improved networking among events management professionals in the region.